Dragon’s Teeth

Dumas quote in cross stitch

“You will pull the dragon’s teeth and trample the lions underfoot, said the Lord.”

Take courage from the words of Alexandre Dumas while stitching this quote from his 1844 novel The Count of Monte Cristo, one of my favorite books and the namesake of The Count of Many Stitches.

Based on French illuminated manuscripts, the design makes an eye-catching piece for your sewing room, office, or anywhere you need fortitude. Use the flowers, fleurs-de-lis, letters, and beasts to style anything you wish to have a kingly, courageous look or just stitch the pattern as is. Use metallic gold thread to complete the illuminated look.

Design measures 12 x 3.5 inches when stitched on 14 count aida.

Dragon’s Teeth pattern

Dragon's Teeth cross stitch pattern

*This pattern is copyrighted. Please do not sell, distribute, or reproduce.*

Patterns for a coordinating sewing set (fob, pin cushion, scissors keep and needle book) and full alphabet are available for sale at my Etsy shop.


The Count of Monte Cristo book cover

Recommended Reading

Dumas, Alexandre. The Count of Monte CristoTrans. Robin Buss. Penguin Classics, 2003. (First published 1844)


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